May Pastor’s Pen
May is a hectic month for families as they wrap up busy school years and celebrate graduates of all ages.
For the first time, I’m on the other end of the craziness as the aunt of a graduating high school senior. There are endless deadlines, celebrations, events, and emotions, too.
On Sunday, May 7, we will celebrate our high school graduates in our 9:00 am worship service. This year, we will baptize three of our senior guys. What a joyous occasion!
I’m humbled each year by the number of individuals who have invested In our graduates. There are countless touchpoints for those who have grown up in our church. Some of you rocked them in the nursery. Some of you taught them in preschool, children, and youth classes.
Some of you picked them up from schools for children’s choir rehearsals. Some of you hosted them in your homes for youth events.
Many of you have prayed for them by name. Many of you have celebrated with them and grieved with them. Many of you have given financially to our church budget to provide a youth ministry that changes lives through life-giving relationships with Christ and each other.
It takes a village, and I am beyond grateful for our FBC JC village.
Thank you for the many ways you invest in the next generation, who are the church of today and tomorrow. On May 7, we will celebrate with their families as we give thanks to God for OUR graduates.
Pastor Melissa
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