Constitution and Bylaw Updates
Constitution and Bylaws Update
Your Administrative Committee has been reviewing and updating FBC’s Constitution and Bylaws over the past few months. When various committees began working to call our next Lead Pastor, it became clear that both documents were outdated and needed to be refreshed.
You may recall there were two changes made to these documents in late 2020 to address issues caused by the Pandemic. However, that was the only time any changes have been made since 2008. The Committee’s review identified sections in both documents that had not been updated as FBC adopted new practices, most of them through actions approved in business meetings. In addition, the language used in the documents is dated and needs to be updated to fit current writing and communication standards.
A draft of the proposed updates to the Constitution and the proposed changes to the Bylaws are posted on the website below or printed copies are available at the Church office. In addition, there is a summary of changes available.
The Administrative Committee intends to move for the adoption of these changes at the May 1st Business Meeting. If you have any questions prior to the meeting please contact Gary Hemphill, Administrative Committee Chair, or the church office.
Administrative Committee Proposed Updates