2021 Sermon Schedule

Below are sermons schedule for 2021. Watch, listen to or download sermons by clicking on the date below, or previous years on the Sermon Archive page, where you’ll find schedules for:  2015   2016   2017   2018    2019    2020    2021    2022    2023

  • Watch the sermon video. Or listen to the message or right-click on “Download the MP3” and select “Save Link As.”loop
  • The “Download the Sermon” button Lets you download a sermon transcript in PDF form with audio and video links
  • A link to the key Scripture passage is also included (usually NRSV translation and The Message paraphrase).
  • Messages can also be found on our Facebook page and YouTube channel, along with devotions and and children’s videos

Want to purchase or borrow a recording? CDs and DVDs of the service are available for purchase by contacting the church office. Audio and video recordings are available for checkout through our media center.

January 3 Turning the Page  Genesis 6:18; Genesis 33: 4,12; Luke 8:47-48
Message: Todd Pridemore
Known in the Unknown
January 10 – February 14 Sermon Series
January 10 Not Alone in the Unknown  Genesis 37:17b-28
Message: Melissa Hatfield
January 17 God Knows You and Is for You  Genesis 39:6b-23
Message: Hannah Coe
January 24 Grief, Gratitude, Good News  Psalm 23, Lamentations 3:22-24
We pause our sermons series for a special time of prayer, scripture, and worship to draw near to God, to pray for Doyle and the Sager family, and to proclaim our hope in Christ. 
Message: Melissa Hatfield
January 30 Doyle Sager Memorial Service 
Presiding: Jim Hill
Remembering Doyle Sager page
January 31 God is at Work in the Unknown  Genesis 41:29-30; 33-41
Message: Hannah Coe
February 7 Taking Your Next Right Step  Genesis 45:1-15
When we can’t see the whole story, God invites us to take the next right step in Love.
Message: Melissa Hatfield
Lord’s Supper served (More about the Lord’s Supper)
February 14 God Intended it for Good  Genesis 50:15-21
Message: Hannah Coe
February 17 Ash Wednesday service
Dusty People  Psalm 108:8-18
Message: Melissa Hatfield
Lenten Sermon Series
FIXER UPPER: Renovation of the Heart
February 21 – April 4 Sermon Series
February 21 Time to Renovate  John 15: 1-11
Christ’s work in our lives meets our deepest needs and longings.
Message: Melissa Hatfield
February 28 The Cost of Renovation  Mark 8:31-38
We find real, soul-satisfying life when Christ is our life’s focus.
Message: Hannah Coe
March 7 Renovating Our Will  Luke 6:43-49
Christ reframes our ‘why’ for living and loving.
Message: Melissa Hatfield
March 14 Renovating Our Mind  Colossians 3:1-10
Christ reframes our thinking, freeing us to focus on God’s way.
Message: Hannah Coe
March 21 Renovating Our Feelings  Psalm 51:1-17
Christ heals and strengthens us to live authentically.
Message: Melissa Hatfield
March 28 Palm Sunday
Renovating Our Soul  John 15:12-17
We know we are growing in Christ when we are growing in love.
Message: Hannah Coe
April 4 Easter Sunday
The Grand Reveal  John 4:1-42
An encounter with the Risen Christ changes everything!
Message: Melissa Hatfield
Lord’s Supper served (More about the Lord’s Supper)
April 11 Youth Sunday
Messages and Children’s Time from Youth Sunday:
God Is Our Constant – Bryan Ford (Jeremiah 2:9-11; Joshua 1:9; Hebrews 13:8)
Children’s Time – Maxwell Ntalamu and Katrina Peter (Jeremiah 29:12)
Jesus Is Enough – Grace Craighead  (Jeremiah 2:13)
Things Above – Josh Pridemore (Colossians 3:1-4)
In the Storm – Grafton Craighead (Luke 8:22-25)
BLOOM: Cultivating Life-Giving Relationships
April 18 – May 16 Sermon Series
Relationships are a big part of life. Some are by choice and others are not. Either way, God desires health and flourishing in your relationships. We’ll seek God’s presence and direction in our relationships, knowing what we plant now impacts what blooms tomorrow.
April 18 Healthy Soil  1 Corinthians 13:4-7 
The health we each bring is key to the health of the relationships we can grow.
Message:Melissa Hatfield
April 25 God Provides the Growth  1 Corinthians 3:1-9
God’s Spirit helps us fulfill our shared purpose—growing up in Christ.
Message: Hannah Coe
May 2 Children’s Sunday
Grow with Me: The Best Is Yet to Be  Galatians 5:4-6, 13-15
A faithful and flourishing family puts love at its center.
Message: Hannah Coe
May 9 Harvesting Good Friendships Galatians 6:1-3, 7-10
In Christ, friendship is sharing burdens and working for the good of all.
Message: Melissa Hatfield
May 16 Scorched Earth Alternative—Love in Times of Conflict  Matthew 5:20-26
Jesus teaches conflict resolution that strengthens relationships.
Message: Hannah Coe
May 23 Graduate Sunday
Two Statues: A Graduation Sermon for All Ages  Matthew 22:35-42
One athlete and two statues can teach us powerful lessons about life’s priorities according to Jesus. 
Message: Melissa Hatfield
May 30 A Place to Call Home  Luke 15:11-32
What if coming home meant for everyone a place of absolute grace, extravagant love and safety to be yourself?
Message: Jeanie McGowan
June 6 Summer Music Celebration
June 13 A New Way of Walking with God  Matthew 22:37-38
If we want to age well, we must become good grievers. 
Message: James Preston
June 20 A New Way of Walking with Others Matthew 6:14-15; Matthew 22:39
Relationships cannot be sustained without forgiveness. The focus is not in the receiving of forgiveness, but in the giving.
Message: James Preston
June 27 Getting Lost Luke 19:1-10
There are many ways of being lost. Regardless of our circumstances, Jesus can help us find our way. 
Message: Todd Pridemore
July 4 Blessed to Be a Blessing Psalm 33:1-12
We can be grateful for our country, but there is the temptation of over confidence if we do not rely on prayer.
Message: Noah Angel
July 11 Where’s the Captain? Lamentations 3:21-26
In times of trouble, we need to wait patiently for the salvation of the Lord.
Message: Greg Morrow
July 18 Free at Last  Luke 4: 14-21
Life has many forms of oppression, but Christ offers us the freedom to overcome.
Message: Greg Morrow
July 25 A Lifetime Journey Genesis 22:1-14 
We are asked to journey with God into a future unknown to us, but one fully known to God.
Message: Greg Morrow
August 1 Just in Case You Ever Wonder  Matthew 22: 36-40 
Love God. Love others. Jesus says that these are the most important commandments — and then shows them in a breakfast conversation with Peter.
Message: Verlyn Bergen
August 8 Remembering Doyle Sager: A Lifetime of Memories Colossians 2:6-7
A brown and seemingly lifeless garden is the very place where hope and life can spring forth. And, the practice of gratitude is the Spirit’s invitation to get our hands in the dirt when we participate in God’s redeeming work.
Message: Melissa Hatfield
August 15 What Would You Ask For? 1 Kings 2:1-4; 3:3-10
Solomon had the opportunity to ask for whatever he wanted in a dream. What do we do with the gifts we are given?
Message: Keith Herron
August 22 Come Before Winter 2 Timothy 4:9-13, 19-22
Do we use the opportunities God has given us today, or trust instead in waiting and an uncertain future?
Message: Gary Parker
James: Faith That Works
August 29 – September 26 Sermon Series
August 29 A Faith for Bottom-Line Believers  James 1:17-27
The book of James provides us with practical ways to live our lives as believers.
Message: Keith Herron
September 5 God’s Favorite People  James 2:1-10
When we consider everyone to be in the image of God, who are God’s favorite people?
Message: Keith Herron
September 12 Wrangling Over Words  James 3:1-12
In an increasingly non-social culture, our words have an even greater power to build up — or destroy.
Message: Keith Herron
September 19 The Church We’ve Always Dreamed Of  James 3:13-4:3, 7-8
Imagine a church, one built by Jesus, where we can see the possibilities in one another.
Message: Keith Herron
September 26 Saying Our Prayers  James 3:13-4:3, 7-8
How do we understand the mystery of intercessory prayer — praying for others? 
Message: Keith Herron
Job: The Story for the Ages
October 3 – 24 Sermon Series
October 3 Act One: The Test  Job 1:1; 2:1-10
Message: Melissa Hatfield
October 10 Act Two: With Friends Like These  Job 23:1-9, 16-17
Message: Keith Herron
October 17 Act Three: The Divine Speech  Job 38:1-7, 34-41
Message: Keith Herron
October 24 Act Four: What It Is to Be Human Job 42:1-6, 10-17
Message: Keith Herron
GeneroUS Stewardship Sermon Series
October 31 – November 7
October 31 The Generosity Paradox  Luke 12: 13-34
Message: Keith Herron
November 7 We Are Each Other’s Harvest  Ruth 3:1-5; 4:13-17
Message: Melissa Hatfield
November 14 Waiting in Love, Not Anxiety  Mark 13:1-8
Message: Keith Herron
November 21 Practicing Peace  John 18:33-37
Message: Keith Herron
November 28 The Two Faces of Expectation Luke 21:25-36 & Jeremiah 33:14-16
Message: Keith Herron
December 5 A Christmas Songbook
Adult Choir and Orchestra
December 12 A Celebration of Ministry: Rod Maples Retirement
Message: Practicing Joy – Keith Herron  Luke 1:39-45
December 19 Magnificat! Luke 1:46-55
Message: Keith Herron
December 24 Christmas Eve Service
Message: Remember When? – Keith Herron  Luke 2:1-7
December 26 The Day After Christmas Matthew 2:13-18
Message: Brian Kaylor